Saturday, September 20, 2008

Buyin time:):)

So its been a awhile right, and i ain't been super faithful to my obsessive blog followers (you know you are teddy;);))))so basically I'm cooking on some brilliant pieces of work that need more incubation time, but here is a sneak peak-

(Roses are red violets are BLUE!, I'm a gay poet that needs new material so badly that he's having to buy time with a stupid riddle which you'll read here in a FEW!)

So I made a riddle up the other day. It goes like so...

If you recieved a nickel every time you withdrew a couple of bucks from the bank, and you withdrew five times... How many nickels did you have?

Drumb roll please and the answer is......................................

Going to be posted on next weeks post.......

So if you would be so kind as to put your answer on the comments page along with any other constructive criticism for this week's( months[years]) blog, the Bow tie wonder would be extremely obliged...



Levi said...

The answer is no nickels, because none of us ever have money to take out of the bank.

Ted Kriwiel said...

The answer is the joker! BEcause he robs banks and shouts vulgarities out of windows. Yay! for vulgarities