Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Are Free From The Fat Monkey

Think with me for a minute.

You know those times when you feel a huge relief from something. Which just makes life not only worth living but makes life worth living well and with JOY!...Here are a few examples in case you don't know what i'm saying.

Ex.1 You have some sorta of event in which your suppose to speak at. --Graduation speech---Personal Testimony--Or just any thing that requires preparation, and if your any thing like me you tend to worry and freak out the whole day. But then the speech is over and that FAT MONKEY is off your back, and you can fly like an EAGLE (if your pickin up what I'm throwin down).

Ex.2 You know those times when you feel super discouraged and insignificant in relationships and friendships . When you feel like know one is around. Just complete lonesomeness . But then the Lord shows Him self and His undying,never-ending Love that fills you with a new strength and JOY! It give you hope to live for...

I dont know if these examples help or not but here is the point I want to make.

Just as faithful as the sun is to rise each day, so is the Lords mercy every morning. The fact that we are sons of God and Saved by Grace, should fill us with a drive and joy to live every day to the fullest. STOP waiting for the next event to make you motivated , CHOOSE CHRIST THE HOPE OF GLORY!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here's the deal-- I have a thought-- but I am confused as to how to present the thought with out just jumping in and hoping for the best(twss) >There we go maybe that'll break the ice!

I have a lot of things going on my little head, a lot of stirrings in my over sensitive heart, and a lot of personal revelation in my premature spirit. Now here is my dilemma. How do I release these thoughts, and what should I release ?! Now I'm sure this is a common problem for an accomplished writer, such myself. I guess you could call it {Writers Block} ---NAH!! Thats stupid! where the heck did that phrase come from any way?!
I cant tell you how much I want to just BURP these things out; like Harper after a good milk feeding, or Grand papa after a fattening pot of stew(He's not fat, he just looks fat). I want to express my innermost feeling and thoughts(THERE'S THAT DANG WOMEN AGAIN) You know what I mean...Stuff that i cant express in verbalization . And i know what your thinking,"Stephen, your a wonder full verbalizer. You always speak clearly and to the point!" but don't let that fool you, I have my moments just like the next guy:)

Now i just talk to the Prodigal teddy about these things, and found the conclusion to this problem------ I'm not a writer:(

Teddy however is about twenty miles ahead of me in this race of the great "Blogger Thought Expresser"
Levi ten miles-
The charm five miles-
And Hayley with the whopping grand total of -10 miles!!

Now, however difficult these seasons of expressing my thoughts may be ---I WILL PERSEVERE --

Cause it is honestly a wonderful tool to bring clarity to ones mind...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Buyin time:):)

So its been a awhile right, and i ain't been super faithful to my obsessive blog followers (you know you are teddy;);))))so basically I'm cooking on some brilliant pieces of work that need more incubation time, but here is a sneak peak-

(Roses are red violets are BLUE!, I'm a gay poet that needs new material so badly that he's having to buy time with a stupid riddle which you'll read here in a FEW!)

So I made a riddle up the other day. It goes like so...

If you recieved a nickel every time you withdrew a couple of bucks from the bank, and you withdrew five times... How many nickels did you have?

Drumb roll please and the answer is......................................

Going to be posted on next weeks post.......

So if you would be so kind as to put your answer on the comments page along with any other constructive criticism for this week's( months[years]) blog, the Bow tie wonder would be extremely obliged...


Saturday, September 6, 2008

"There So Far Behind"

First and for most I would like to yes and amen my blogging buddy's and there thankful praise to our sovereign and loving Lord. Who Undoubtedly works all thing to the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose...

So here's what happened!!!!!

Me, Missy, Sam, Hayley and destiny were on our way down Bluestem Rd. Sam driving, Hayley at his side, and me and Missy blurting out "Thats What She Said" at any given opportunity.We were on our way back from what seemed to be the perfect night when in reality was the perfect storm!(Jaws theme song playing in your mind due to the brilliant writing personification of the writer)>>>

The story continues with Samuel dropping Missy and myself off at her car at my Uncle Tim's house. We of course speed ahead of the Gypsies and proceed by turning left on airport Rd gaining distance on them, as to some how gain that desire for victory engraved into all of our inner beings.

We begin to approach Teter Road forming the master plan to confuse the gypsies, which it just so happens wasn't needed at all. Thanks fog.

The plan was to slowly approach the Brickely stomping grounds and quikly reverse out of there and gain the distance that we had in the first place (I KNOW RIGHT,,SUCKS)
As we slow down to see where our competitors were, Missy proceeds with what should have been her vary own famous last Words "There So far Behind".(and she makes fun of molly's glasses)

Any way all the sudden i was back to worlds of fun, thrusted forward at 60 mph. The only difference was, is I had my shirt on. Oh and the fact that it sucked.....

After Coming to the logical conclusion that Samuel was probably distracted at something as complex as' oh i dont know' the frost on the window perhaps, and then proceeded to rear end us. I naturally jump out the window, throwing Missy from the wreckage and removed a cute little bunny from the perimeter.

I then proceed to find Samuel (thumb in mouth) being carried out of the car by Hayley due to his hipper ventilating and inability to cooperate with the task at hand...

I then run a quick five miles to divert Carson our way, to assist with some assistance.

Now thats just what I saw.


ps. Hayley, you owe me ten bucks.
pss. Viewers, dont listen to any thing Missy or Samuel may say to twist this story .
psss. Stephen, your a freakin stud!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

War cry!!!

Just some little tid bits for motivation!!!!! I Hope!!!!!

The battle is still roaring
And my position has not changed
So i will keep waring
Until the end of this age

Your the King of this age
God of my mind
My father in heaven
Whom comfort i find


And as my dear cuz "brickabrac" would say


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Desperate heart

Desperate heart is the first song ever published in the Stephen song book of manly poetry.
The meaning of this song is pretty self explanatory. I was desperately wanting the joy of the Lord to triumph over these bland temptations that I attempt to suck life from. So its a mix of a few verses that really spoke to me and my way of proclaiming that the Lord is truly the only one that can fill!

Come fill this desperate heart
Show him the true delight
Cause you are the greatest joy
And all I want and need is more

I need courage to wait for you
To run from lies I no not true
Show me your beauty and I will be
Always and forever in love with thee

Only ... you can fill
Only... you can bring me life
Only... you can heal
This hungry and desperate heart

Now Lord I plea with urgency
Please come, come and burn in me
This is my hearts desire
So come and burn oh Holy Fire

Only ... you can fill
Only... you can bring me life
Only... you can heal
This hungry and desperate heart

Monday, September 1, 2008


This is a song a wrote when i was dealing with some trial in my life . By the grace of God I was able to grab a hold of some of that sweet revelation that the Lord continues to pour out to the heart that is willing. BE BLESSED!!

And burdens I cant bare
But I will
I will persevere

I feel lonely
And so out of place
But you hold me
With your sweet embrace

So I count it joy
To the Lord
For His Word is true
He'll see me through

These seasons will pass
The pain wont last
He'll see you through
For His love endures

Rejoice, Rejoice for the Lord is here
Rejoice,Rejoice for the Lord will heal
Rejoice, Rejoice for the Lord is near
Rejoice, Rejoice He will calm your fear

Do not fear for He has over come the world