Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fresh Start

I'll be honest, I love irony!
It just makes life interesting, and i'm convinced the Lord uses it as his funny little way of speak to us...for instance....

A man walking through a park is suddenly smashed by a tree that had fallen....MAN SURVIVES>>>only to be smashed again ten years later by the same tree that had been turned into a large cabnit which this man purchased at his nearest furniture store which happened to be called Bill-Ironics.inc ... NOW THATS IRONIC!

what really spurred me on to write this blog was actually teddy.

I thought it was pretty ironic that the very last post that would seem to be the end of his blogging career would be called none other than "FRESH START"

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Favor in Trial

Ps 23
Even though I walk
through the valley of the shadow of death, [a]
I will fear no evil,
for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.

5 You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows.

6 Surely goodness and love will follow me
all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the LORD

Did you ever stop and think that a time of trial can not only be from the Lord, but actual favor from the Lord.Well i didn't tell recently.

I just sat in on a house church at my house last night to where i received this succulent revelation. Some one there began to reveal the season of trial that they were in, and i guess a week or two earlier that same person had received a word from my father which made them even more confused about where they were. The Word that dad saw was F-A-V-O-R . So the weeks following that would seemed to be everything but favor. Now the revelation that was given to this man(besides encouragements to push through) was spoken from Tyler Norris.

It was along this lines + my additional wisdom all mixed into what i hope may encourage my bosom friends ....

Times of trial can be some of the riches times in the Lord. Being able to see His love when everything else fails is a sweet life impacting thing:pushing through saying I love you regardless of my circumstances and trusting you with what ever the out come may be.

Here's the deal...

I'm an emotional guy that has (and most likely will) get his little heart hurt. I like to love, and i like to be loved. But the Lord doesn't want me to avail myself to that love at this time in my life.Which I've finally come to terms with....... "Its not time to awaken love yet , Stevie, WAIT!!!!!"These are the sweet words that i continue hear from my Father and reluctantly ignore by grabbing on to the love that i can see.

So my struggle that I find myself in, is having a captive heart (if you will). Not free to love and live freely with the Lord(my first Love!) So i'm constantly striving to be free, and since the Lord tends to be involved and awesome all the time!( Go ahead teddy just say it...YAY FOR GOD!!!) I am free and that is my current position :) PRAISE THE WHO SETS US FREE!

Going back to the previous topic of favor in trial..(man the would be a sweet book title)..

Since by the grace of God I was able to push through and find the truth and freedom in Christ, I gained more then just the relief of a low emotional level in my life. I feel strength and wisdom that i hadn't had before. Strength in what ever trial comes in my life, that i know my God is in control and will give me the strength and love that i need. Wisdom in guarding my heart when i think an opportunity arises however safe or spirit led it may be...My Hope Is In The Lord!

That i can find so much love and revelation in the Lord under any circumstance would be favor in trial to me:)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

She's Back!

Have I already portrayed how hard it is to for me to get a blog started? Knowing that what ever I put, will undoubtedly be read by my dearest of friends. So the battle Undergo is this. . .

How Deep Do I get?(Robert)
How Dirty Do I Get?(Levi)
How Pointless do I get? (Gypsies)
Or do I Just Mix Them All Into One Super Post? (Teddy)

Warning...Here comes that freaking Woman....
Whether It Be Writing a blog, public speaking, or even leading worship, the trick that I have found to overcome any situation is to follow that "Freaking Woman/Your Heart"

Now I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I would like to leave you with this.

I have the tendency to fear and worry about decisions that I have to make about my life. Times that I've been put in the position of leadership and what I'm suppose to do with that. And every time i stop and listen to the Lord and to what he is ministering to my heart, I receive that leading and anointing (if you will). That my friends is the answer I have found...


The Lord has been ministering In a powerful way this week, and i will be blogging about that here soon. This is just an appetizers:)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

To Kill A Robin Bird

Now I know this may not be what your looking for, but it is my latest piece of work in my English class… Enjoy!

It was yet another beautiful breathtaking day out on the farm. The birds were singing, the tractor was plowing, the hens were laying, and the goats were giving birth with the helpful hand of little Sam McVay. Life was easy on the farm; it was just you, your family, and no social life what so ever, except for the occasional chicken butchering get together. On this particular day I had stooped to a level of hunting fever that to this day I regret. It was the day that I had the drive of a man, who despite all obstacles was going to accomplish his mission, and the compassion of a woman, who had done something completely regrettable.

It all started when I heard those exciting yet degrading words from my older brother,“Hey Steve, lets go kill stuff!”. Now this is more or less how it started. We rushed out the door, grabbing our sling shots ,and eating what ever was in our hands at the moment. He went his way I went mine, yet we both had the same destination, DEATH!

I began looking about for the nearest bird that I could ever so lovingly put to his misery. Me being the persistent man that I am, locked my eye the bird of my choice, blocked out all other distractions, and began my quest! I began flying stones at (what probably deserved it do to an evil crime committed during an earlier bird feeding frenzy that morning) the bird. After about an hour of restlessly chasing this bird with nothing but my slingshot and a few stones, it was the very picture David and Goliath itself, I finally brought this beast to its knees.

Now I don’t want to get to detailed, but to stay accurate with the story I must reveal the full truth. I then proceeded with a funeral fit for a King, where there may or may not have been tears wept by the funeral administrator.


Monday, October 6, 2008

A la la la la la la Life is Wonderful!

I have an odd life... so odd that its sad... so sad that its quit funny...so funny that it circles all the way back to odd. So take a look into my life for just a moment and laugh and cry with me:)

Well it all started when i was freaking born !Not even then, it was before that, IN THE WOMB. If you know me at all you'll know i have a bald spot. I wont get into detail, but basically the stupid doctor puled the roots out of the top of my head with some doctor tool...so because of that I have spent countless summers getting blisters on the top of my freaking head ,because of my skins desire to fry!
All my life I've been known as the accident prone goof . I've had more bruises, stitches, and concussions then sarcastic remarks by Levi. I only hope my future pain will become as controllable as Levi's mouth seems to becoming.(Levi, I've been a little tender towards you ever since our little talk ;);)lol

now i'm going to give you a series of multiple choice questions to see how well you are understanding my PURE LUCK Life!

1. Given these choices, which would have happen to me while sleeping?
a. I simply have a good nights sleep c. A FREAKING lap top falls from the top bunk bed crushing my arm on the bottom of the bunk bed!
b. I have a Holy spirit inspired dream d. I some how manage to get up on time for school

You guessed it!!!!!!!!! C !!!!!!!! thanks charm!

2. A wonderful night driving back from a foot ball game, what will undoubtedly happen?
a. I finally meet a girl thats not my cousin c. Nothing goes wrong

b. Instead of staying in the car with my bewildered d. Toby throws a good game
brother and his pal( which would have undoubtedly
prevented him from looking at the FREAKING window
and kept his eye's on the road) I jump into the car with my
"not girlfriend, cousin ".

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not BITTER!

well i think you get the picture.

until next time(i'll be rubbing anointment on my rash)

Sunday, September 28, 2008

We Are Free From The Fat Monkey

Think with me for a minute.

You know those times when you feel a huge relief from something. Which just makes life not only worth living but makes life worth living well and with JOY!...Here are a few examples in case you don't know what i'm saying.

Ex.1 You have some sorta of event in which your suppose to speak at. --Graduation speech---Personal Testimony--Or just any thing that requires preparation, and if your any thing like me you tend to worry and freak out the whole day. But then the speech is over and that FAT MONKEY is off your back, and you can fly like an EAGLE (if your pickin up what I'm throwin down).

Ex.2 You know those times when you feel super discouraged and insignificant in relationships and friendships . When you feel like know one is around. Just complete lonesomeness . But then the Lord shows Him self and His undying,never-ending Love that fills you with a new strength and JOY! It give you hope to live for...

I dont know if these examples help or not but here is the point I want to make.

Just as faithful as the sun is to rise each day, so is the Lords mercy every morning. The fact that we are sons of God and Saved by Grace, should fill us with a drive and joy to live every day to the fullest. STOP waiting for the next event to make you motivated , CHOOSE CHRIST THE HOPE OF GLORY!

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here's the deal-- I have a thought-- but I am confused as to how to present the thought with out just jumping in and hoping for the best(twss) >There we go maybe that'll break the ice!

I have a lot of things going on my little head, a lot of stirrings in my over sensitive heart, and a lot of personal revelation in my premature spirit. Now here is my dilemma. How do I release these thoughts, and what should I release ?! Now I'm sure this is a common problem for an accomplished writer, such myself. I guess you could call it {Writers Block} ---NAH!! Thats stupid! where the heck did that phrase come from any way?!
I cant tell you how much I want to just BURP these things out; like Harper after a good milk feeding, or Grand papa after a fattening pot of stew(He's not fat, he just looks fat). I want to express my innermost feeling and thoughts(THERE'S THAT DANG WOMEN AGAIN) You know what I mean...Stuff that i cant express in verbalization . And i know what your thinking,"Stephen, your a wonder full verbalizer. You always speak clearly and to the point!" but don't let that fool you, I have my moments just like the next guy:)

Now i just talk to the Prodigal teddy about these things, and found the conclusion to this problem------ I'm not a writer:(

Teddy however is about twenty miles ahead of me in this race of the great "Blogger Thought Expresser"
Levi ten miles-
The charm five miles-
And Hayley with the whopping grand total of -10 miles!!

Now, however difficult these seasons of expressing my thoughts may be ---I WILL PERSEVERE --

Cause it is honestly a wonderful tool to bring clarity to ones mind...