So here's what happened!!!!!
Me, Missy, Sam, Hayley and destiny were on our way down Bluestem Rd. Sam driving, Hayley at his side, and me and Missy blurting out "Thats What She Said" at any given opportunity.We were on our way back from what seemed to be the perfect night when in reality was the perfect storm!(Jaws theme song playing in your mind due to the brilliant writing personification of the writer)>>>
The story continues with Samuel dropping Missy and myself off at her car at my Uncle Tim's house. We of course speed ahead of the Gypsies and proceed by turning left on airport Rd gaining distance on them, as to some how gain that desire for victory engraved into all of our inner beings.
We begin to approach Teter Road forming the master plan to confuse the gypsies, which it just so happens wasn't needed at all. Thanks fog.
The plan was to slowly approach the Brickely stomping grounds and quikly reverse out of there and gain the distance that we had in the first place (I KNOW RIGHT,,SUCKS)
As we slow down to see where our competitors were, Missy proceeds with what should have been her var

Any way all the sudden i was back to worlds of fun, thrusted forward at 60 mph. The only difference was, is I had my shirt on. Oh and the

After Coming to the logical conclusion that Samuel was probably distracted at something as complex as' oh i dont know' the frost on the window perhaps, and then proceeded to rear end us. I naturally jump out the window, throwing Missy from the wreckage and removed a cute little bunny from the perimeter.
I then proceed to find Samuel (thumb in mouth) being carried out of the car by Hayley due to his hipper ventilating and inability to cooperate with the task at hand...
I then run a quick five miles to divert Carson our way, to assist with some assistance.
Now thats just what I saw.
ps. Hayley, you owe me ten bucks.
pss. Viewers, dont listen to any thing Missy or Samuel may say to twist this story .
psss. Stephen, your a freakin stud!
your such a stud man
hey its "their so far behind" not "there so far..."
yeah steven, i spelt your name wrong just to annoy you. I don't owe you anything.
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