Have I already portrayed how hard it is to for me to get a blog started? Knowing that what ever I put, will undoubtedly be read by my dearest of friends. So the battle Undergo is this. . .
How Deep Do I get?(Robert)
How Dirty Do I Get?(Levi)
How Pointless do I get? (Gypsies)
Or do I Just Mix Them All Into One Super Post? (Teddy)
Warning...Here comes that freaking Woman....
Whether It Be Writing a blog, public speaking, or even leading worship, the trick that I have found to overcome any situation is to follow that "Freaking Woman/Your Heart"
Now I'm not really sure where I'm going with this, but I would like to leave you with this.
I have the tendency to fear and worry about decisions that I have to make about my life. Times that I've been put in the position of leadership and what I'm suppose to do with that. And every time i stop and listen to the Lord and to what he is ministering to my heart, I receive that leading and anointing (if you will). That my friends is the answer I have found...
The Lord has been ministering In a powerful way this week, and i will be blogging about that here soon. This is just an appetizers:)
Date Levi
14 years ago